
Free pre-registration will open soon

Register to ICP2025TURKU by simply sending an email to receive all the relevant updates automatically. This does not mean email spamming, just the relevant updates.

Affordable registration fees with early bird registration discounts

The goal of ICP2025TURKU is to have affordable fees to enable the participation of all polyphenol scientists in the conference. Early bird discounts will be applied to registrations done before 1 May 2025. Furthermore, we make a special effort in having an affordable fee for PhD students.

Join GP and save in registration fees

Others than PhD students can save in registration fees by joining the Groupe Polyphénols (2-year membership, 50 €) before paying the registration fee. Click here to pay the membership fee and become part of the Groupe Polyphénols society. Note that students who want to apply for the GP Travel Grant, need to be members of Groupe Polyphénols or work in a laboratory holding institutional membership.

”In the archipelago you can find places where the only sounds you hear are the sounds of the nature. The largest oak forests in Finland are found at the Island of Ruissalo that you can reach by bus or the Turku Bikes (5-10 km) that are available close to the conference site and hotels for the convenience of the ICP2020TURKU participants.”