
Your ICP2025TURKU contribution will be published as Polyphenol Communications with an ISSN number

Each participant of the ICP2020TURKU have the possibility to include her/his most recent results on polyphenols in the proceedings series Polyphenol Communications. The Polyphenol Communications will have its unique ISSN number allowing the publications to be cited like any other publication.

You have an additional chance to publish your work after the conference in a dedicated issue of a scientific journal

After the conference, each ICP2025TURKU participant has the chance to submit his/her scientific manuscript to be peer-reviewed and published in a dedicated issue of a scientific journal. The name of the journal or journals are announced later.

The deadline for the 1-page abstract is at the end of February 2025

All ICP2025TURKU participants need to submit a 1-page abstract of their polyphenol-related scientific findings to help the organizers decide who are given the chance to have oral or poster presentation. ICP2025TURKU will make a special effort in offering more possibilities for young scientists to have oral presentations in the specific sessions meany for PhD students and postdocs.  The 1-page abstracts are due at the end of February 2025.

”Turku by the sea means that you can sail in the archipelago, take your picnic to one of the thousands of islands, or have a day trip to Sweden by the high-quality ferries.”