Abstract submission deadline extended by 14 days!
Due to a big demand, we have extended the abstract submission deadline by 14 days, the new deadline is 14 March. Please submit your 1-page manuscript, if you want to be one of the oral presenters at the ICP2025TURKU!
Call for Abstracts
The ICP2025 conference welcomes abstracts aligned with the following themes:
- Structure, reactivity & synthesis
- Bioactivity, bioavailability & microbiota
- Metabolomics, targeted analysis & big data
- Food processing, sensory properties & safety
- Biodiversity, biogenesis in plants & ecosystems
- Biomaterials, green chemistry & circular bioeconomy
On the submission form, select the theme that best reflects your submission.
Abstracts are presented as oral presentation or posters. Presentation guidelines will be published later in the spring.
Submission guidelines
- Only one submission allowed per ICP participant.
- All submissions must be sent via the Oxford Abstracts online submission system by 28 February. Register to Oxford Abstracts to submit.
- Answer all the questions on the form and click ”submit” to complete the abstract submission.
- After submission, you can sign in again if needed and amend your submission until the final submission deadline.
- Note that uncompleted abstracts will not be reviewed.
- The abstract should be written in English, body text limited to 2500 characters (with spaces). Please proofread your text carefully.
- Title should be written with capital letters.
- List all authors names, note that affiliations should contain institution, city, and country. Also mark the presenting author (tick box).
- Please structure your abstract to include only the main body of text without any sub-titles. Separate sections for Introduction, Methods, Results or Conclusions are not allowed. See the example abstract for further instructions.
- One image or table is allowed.
- Max 2 references can be included.
- Acceptance information will be sent to the submitter only. Possible later correspondence and general information may be sent to the presenting author as well (if submitter is not the presenter), email requested on the submission form. Remember to inform aboaevents@certia.fi in case you wish to change the presenting author.
- Also “contact email” is requested on the form, this will appear in the abstract (virtual platform), and proceedings series Polyphenol Communications, published after the conference.
- Accepted abstracts will be published on the virtual conference platform, and after the conference in the proceedings series Polyphenol Communications, if you have given your consent on the form.
- Note that the presenting author must register as a conference participant and pay the conference registration fee by 20 June.
Abstracts will be subject to review by the Scientific Committee of the ICP2025, who will make decisions of the oral vs poster presentations by 15 April.
If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact aboaevents@certia.fi Remember to quote your abstract reference number in any communication with us.
If you have any questions relating to the scientific content, please contact icp2025turku@groupe-polyphenols.com.
Your ICP2025TURKU contribution will be published as Polyphenol Communications with an ISSN number
Each participant of the ICP2025TURKU have the possibility to include her/his most recent results on polyphenols in the proceedings series Polyphenol Communications. The Polyphenol Communications will have its unique ISSN number allowing the publications to be cited like any other publication.
You have an additional chance to publish your work after the conference in a dedicated issue of a scientific journal
After the conference, each ICP2025TURKU participant has the chance to submit his/her scientific manuscript to be peer-reviewed and published in a dedicated issue of a scientific journal. The name of the journal or journals are announced later.